Well, it's the beginning of October and my kiddos have already gotten me sick! I spent about a week just exhausted and dragging myself to school (because we all know it's easier to teach sick than to get together sub plans!), then coming home and sleeping. Turns out I had a sinus and respiratory infection! All better now, though, so back to blogging! In addition to all this fun, my school had a big event and broke a world record today for most kids at a Read-In! Check out the news feed here!
So, here are some cool activities we did last week throughout all my sickness...
Love this chart a friend came up with to help kiddos understand the differences between letters, words, and sentences. Each day we filled in one box, then underlined all the parts of the "I can run." sentence in its corresponding color.
So, for example, we underlined all the letters in blue, then the words in red and the whole sentence in green. It really helped the kids understand these concepts!
We also did our apple unit...here are some cute activities we did with that... We tasted the three different kinds of apples, students chose their favorite, wrote their name on the corresponding apple and put it on the right tree.
The next day, we made these cute little apples showing our favorite kind of apple. I just gave the kids a square of paper and they had to cut it into the shape of an apple. Some of them turned out very tiny! They also did a mix and fix at the bottom that says "I like _____ apples." and they had to fill in the color word.
We were finishing up our sorting unit and culminated the unit with this project where students had to sort by color.
The text says "_____ Owl baked cookies today. He sorted his favorite chips. He sorted ___ and ___ chips."
Well, that's just a glimpse of some of the things we did last week! Barring any future illnesses, I should be posting again soon!
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